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.Net-> Building Application in ASP.Net

Step 5. Use ADO.NET to Store Account Details in the Database

This procedure modifies the Web application code to store the supplied user name, generated password hash and salt value in the database.

To use ADO.NET to store account details in the database

  1. Return to Visual Studio .NET and double-click the Register button on the Web form to create a button click event handler.
  2. Add the following code to the method.

3.  int saltSize = 5;

4.  string salt = CreateSalt(saltSize);

5.  string passwordHash = CreatePasswordHash(txtPassword.Text,salt);

6.  try

7.  {

8.    StoreAccountDetails( txtUserName.Text, passwordHash);

9.  }

10.catch(Exception ex)


12.  lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;


  1. Add the following using statement at the top of the file, beneath the existing using statements.

15.using System.Data.SqlClient;

  1. Add the StoreAccountDetails utility method using the following code. This code uses ADO.NET to connect to the UserAccounts database and stores the supplied username, password hash and salt value in the Users table.

17.private void StoreAccountDetails( string userName,

18.                                  string passwordHash )


20.  // See "How To Use DPAPI (Machine Store) from ASP.NET" for

21.    information

22.  // about securely storing connection strings.

23.  SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( "Server=(local);" +

24.                                          "Integrated

25.                                            Security=SSPI;" +

26.                                          "database=UserAccounts");


28.  SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("RegisterUser", conn );

29.  cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

30.  SqlParameter sqlParam = null;

31.  //Usage of Sql parameters also helps avoid SQL Injection attacks.

32.  sqlParam = cmd.Parameters.Add("@userName", SqlDbType.VarChar,

33.    20);

34.  sqlParam.Value = userName;


36.  sqlParam = cmd.Parameters.Add("@passwordHash ", SqlDbType.VarChar,

37.    40);

38.  sqlParam.Value = passwordHash;


40.  try

41.  {

42.    conn.Open();

43.    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

44.  }

45.  catch( Exception ex )

46.  {

47.    // Code to check for primary key violation (duplicate account

48.      name)

49.    // or other database errors omitted for clarity

50.    throw new Exception("Exception adding account. " + ex.Message);

51.  }

52.  finally

53.  {

54.    conn.Close();

55.  }


Step 6. Authenticate User Credentials Against the Database

This procedure develops ADO.NET code to look up the supplied user name in the database and validate the supplied password, by matching password hashes.

Note   In many Forms authentication scenarios where you are using .NET role-based authorization, you may also retrieve the roles that the user belongs to from the database at this point. These can subsequently be used to generate a GenericPrincipal object that can be associated with authenticated Web requests, for .NET authorization purposes.

For more information about constructing a Forms authentication ticket incorporating a user's role details, see "How To: Create GenericPrincipal Objects with Forms Authentication in ASP.NET 1.1" in the Reference section of this guide.

To authenticate user credentials against the database

  1. Return to the Logon.aspx.cs and add the VerifyPassword private helper method as shown in the following code.

2.  private bool VerifyPassword(string suppliedUserName,

3.                              string suppliedPassword )

4.  {

5.    bool passwordMatch = false;

6.    // Get the salt and pwd from the database based on the user name.

7.    // See "How To: Use DPAPI (Machine Store) from ASP.NET," "How To:

8.    // Use DPAPI (User Store) from Enterprise Services," and "How To:

9.    // Create a DPAPI Library" for more information about how to use

10.  // DPAPI to securely store connection strings.

11.  SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( "Server=(local);" +

12.                                          "Integrated

13.                                            Security=SSPI;" +

14.                                          "database=UserAccounts");

15.  SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "LookupUser", conn );

16.  cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

17.  //Usage of Sql parameters also helps avoid SQL Injection attacks.

18.  SqlParameter sqlParam = cmd.Parameters.Add("@userName",

19.                                             SqlDbType.VarChar,

20.                                               20);

21.  sqlParam.Value = suppliedUserName;

22.  try

23.  {

24.    conn.Open();

25.    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

26.    reader.Read(); // Advance to the one and only row

27.    // Return output parameters from returned data stream

28.    string dbPasswordHash = reader.GetString(0);

29.    int saltSize = 5;

30.    string salt =

31.      dbPasswordHash.Substring(dbPasswordHash.Length - saltSize);

32.    reader.Close();

33.    // Now take the password supplied by the user

34.    // and generate the hash.

35.    string hashedPasswordAndSalt =

36.      CreatePasswordHash(suppliedPassword, salt);

37.    // Now verify them.

38.    passwordMatch = hashedPasswordAndSalt.Equals(dbPasswordHash);

39.  }

40.  catch (Exception ex)

41.  {

42.    throw new Exception("Execption verifying password. " +

43.      ex.Message);

44.  }

45.  finally

46.  {

47.    conn.Close();

48.  }

49.  return passwordMatch;


Step 7. Test the Application

This procedure tests the application. You will register a user, which results in the user name, password hash and salt value being added to the Users table in the UserAccounts database. You will then log on the same user to ensure the correct operation of the password verification routines.

To test the application

  1. Return to the Logon form and double-click the Logon button to create a button click event handler.
  2. Add the following code to the Logon button click event handler to call the VerifyPassword method and display a message based on whether or not the supplied user name and password are valid.

3.  bool passwordVerified = false;

4.  try

5.  {

6.     passwordVerified =

7.       VerifyPassword(txtUserName.Text,txtPassword.Text);

8.  }

9.  catch(Exception ex)


11.  lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;

12.  return;


14.if (passwordVerified == true )


16.  // The user is authenticated

17.  // At this point, an authentication ticket is normally created

18.  // This can subsequently be used to generate a GenericPrincipal

19.  // object for .NET authorization purposes

20.  // For details, see "How To: Use Forms authentication with

21.  // GenericPrincipal objects

22.  lblMessage.Text = "Logon successful: User is authenticated";




26.  lblMessage.Text = "Invalid username or password";


  1. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.
  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click logon.aspx, and then click View in Browser.
  3. Enter a user name and password, and then click Register.
  4. Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to view the contents of the Users table. You should see a new row for the new user name together with a generated password hash.
  5. Return to the Logon Web page, re-enter the password, and then click Logon. You should see the message "Logon successful: User is authenticated."
  6. Now enter an invalid password (leaving the user name the same). You should see the message "Invalid username or password."
  7. Close Internet Explorer.
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